Searching for specific issues of National American Glass Club publications
NAGC Publications Combined JavaScript Search Engine

The Glass Club Bulletin has been in continuous publication since January 1938
The Glass Shards has been in continuous publication since 1985

Updated December 31, 2024

Glass Club Bulletin Searches: Search by Bulletin number by adding a plus sign to the number, e.g., 129+ 1980. Tables of Contents or keywords within that issue will also be retrieved. For single and double-digit Bulletin numbers place a zero or two zeros respectively ahead of the number, e.g., 001+ for Bulletin No. 1
Bulletin issue numbers follow the retrieved search texts
For a parade of Bulletin covers, enter <COVER> in the SEARCH window (be sure to include brackets)

Glass Shards searches: For display of entire issues plus their contents enter the season and year(e.g., FALL 1982) with "AND" in the retrieval option box. Should a link to the whole issue fail to appear, try using capital letters in the search box.
